V2.0.1.5 -Modification- 1. Allow Weave Width/Step to 0. V2.0.1.4 -Modification- 1. Fix the bug: the selections on Recipe/Weave/ML could not be saved. 2. Add the limitation of minimum value on Weave Width(should be >= 5mm)/Step(should be >= 3mm). If the values are less than the limits, the cobot could not keep the linear welding speed due to too many small acceleration/deacceleration. V2.0.1.3 -Add- 1. Add TMflow variable for welding start. The users could use them to display current status of welding(i.e., Is now welding? = true/false). -Modification- 1. Fix the bug of linear welding speed when using weaving. V2.0.1.2 -Add- 1. Add TMflow variables for multilayer's names and current layer. The users could use them to display current layer while welding. 2. Add new button in Multilayer. To insert data between multilayer data. 3. Display speed unit in the PATH tab. 4. Display arrow (i.e., "W1 > W2"...)in the PATH tab for better recognition. -Modification- 1. Free all joints for handguiding when exiting WeldNode. 2. Increase layout width for the WeldNode to fit the screen width for TMflow2.20 and later. 3. Remove Type:Offset in the PATH tab. 4. Keep Type:ML_MidPoint as visible. 5. Modify the checking mechanism for Arc Start/End. V2.0.1.1 -Add- 1. In the PATH tab, a new parameter of "Previous" in RECIPE is introduced. It will follow the previous setting on RECIPE/WEAVING/ML. -Modification- 1. Fix the bug of linear welding speed when using weaving. 2. When using a new WeldNode, the first attemp of switching Recipe will be ignored. Now it is fixed. 3. Modify the checking mechanism for inputing data and add the limitations for each input columns. -Modification- 1. Arc event and ModbusTCP setting: support ModbusTCP signals input(DI&RI) for arc detection. 2. Arc check timer sets to 1.5 second and retrys after 1 second. 3. Support TMflow2.18 and later only. 4. Modify SetTCPSpeed(TMscript) for TMflow2.18 and TMflow2.20. 5. Apply Rot.Weld Speed for MOVE motion as default,and remove the display for Line.Weld & Rot.Weld for MOVE in the PATH tab. 6. Fix the bug of cursor selection when using End Button to add points. 7. Highlight welding points in the PATH tab with yellow color for better recognition. 8. Fix the bug when using virtual numpad. 9. Keep the welding speed(lin. speed) no matter it is applied weaving or not. 10. Increase ML paths to 200 paths. If old setting(30 paths) is imported, it will fill the rest 170 paths with default values. v2.0.0.6 -Modification- 1. WeavePath algorithm improvement。 v2.0.0.5 -Modification- 1. Add "mtcp_Device" in Modbus device. Now user should add the same name such as "mtcp_DeviceX" to define it first in TMflow, or we will have a problem of duplicated definition. 2. Clear the display message after resuming the program for weld start. v2.0.0.4 -Add- 1. New check box to enable or disable the message "Pause before welding" when the project is running. 2. Display a message for two seconds when the points are modified. -Modification- 1. End changes to Crater. 2. The layout of Recipe. 3. Modify the "Start Job and End job" to single "Job". 4. Display Recipe/function/WD in Path tab. 5. Modify "Other > Arc Setting > Arc End" "job" to "option1". v2.0.0.3 -Add- 1. Add "var_Weld_Job variable" in TMflow which will be connected to Recipe。 -Modification- 1. When doing "Move to Point", DataGrid could not update. 2. When doing "Move to Point", display bug in UI. 3. Remove blending in Spline mode with Weaving. 4. Modify "acceleration time for circle with weaving" to 100ms and remove blending. 5. Add a display if there is a importing error for File Explorer. v2.0.0.2 -Add- 1. File Explorer to load and upload file from TMflow/TextFiles. 2. Add unit selection. -Modification- 1. Fix Modbus preset address error in #11~#20. v2.0.0.1 -Add- 1. Base & Tcp display. 2. Job in Recipe. 3. New WaitTime for Left and Right side. 4. Add checking mechanism after Arc On/ Off. -Modification- 1. UI layout in Path tab. 2. New numpad and the format for datagrid. 3. Modifiy the picture in Multilayer Help. 4. Only one Arc event now. Add a Pause before real welding. 5. Points after modification now will be recorded correctly now. 6. When using weaving, the "weld speed" means the overall travel speed along the path, not the speed on the hypotenuse. 7. Add Modbus items to 20. 8. Fix the problem when changing the Recipe in Path tab. -Remove- 1. Points modification function。